Saturday, April 18, 2020

How much longer will our President, and we Republicans be suckers? And just how much longer will we allow these PIG to say, and do what they say, and do.  I know that this is America, and we do have a "Free Country, and we can say whatever we want to. But what has happened to our respect? What are we teaching our Children?

It started WAY back when President Trump was first elected and the Ladies march with those disgusting hats, and costumes on the streets of our city's.

The Morons from Hollywood, and TV made those filthy speeches, and threats, and used that foul language, and guess what?


 What would have happened to Madonna when she said that she wanted to bomb the White House, if Barrack Hussain Obama was the President at the time? 

What would have happened to Snoopy Dog with his "Fake" Gun saying that he was going to Assassinate the President?

What would the entire Country have said about Robert Di Nero when he said F. Y. to the President? 

And what would have happened to Ilhan Omar when she called the President A Mother F--ker? 

And that's why I say that it's our Fault, for allowing all that to happen  in the first place. 


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